CLOCS Working Group meeting November 2022

26 September 2022

The next CLOCS Working Group meeting is scheduled for 10 November 2022 so please hold the date now if you are part of the group and are able to attend.

The CLOCS Working Group is made up of Champion representatives who meet 2 or 3 times a year to review progress of the CLOCS initiative, learn about ongoing and future developments, and provide insight and opinion on standards, best practice, communications and policy.  All those who choose to join the Working Group make a commitment to attend most of the meetings (or send along a suitable replacement) and contribute to discussions.

Feedback from WG members was that we should have a mix of virtual and live meetings so we would like to suggest that the next meeting is live in London on 10th November 2022, venue to be confirmed.

We have already emailed all WG members to establish likely attendance numbers, to ensure there is sufficient appetite for a live meeting this time around and to ensure we secure an appropriate venue if there is.

As a reminder, the WG is open to all Champions and if you are not already part of this group but wish to get involved, please email Andy Brooke at and we can get you added to the list.

To better understand what is involved, please take a look at the WG Terms of Reference here.