CLOCS Vox – Phase 2 of driver app trials kicks off 6 Jan 2020

6 January 2020

Now ready for Phase 2 trial: our CLOCS Vox app – giving drivers a voice – is designed to collect feedback on site conditions to enable projects to improve/enhance the process and experience for drivers delivering to site.

A huge thank you to all of our volunteers, both Contractor and Fleet, who have kindly trialled CLOCS Vox during Phase 1 of development.

As expected, Phase 1 had uncovered glitches and gremlins, predominantly around the geo-location element when ‘selecting a site’, especially when the App is required to be pre-loaded or approved by internal company IT systems.

CLOCS has worked with its developer partner to resolve these issues and is now ready to go ahead with Phase 2 from 6 Jan 2020!

If you would like to volunteer and take part in the next stage, please get in touch at