Fleet operators and drivers – we need you!

29 May 2020

The CLOCS Vox driver feedback app has been successfully trialled by gate teams across the country. We now want to put the app in the hands of the drivers. We appeal to our fleet operators to come forward to join our focus group of volunteers for the final stage of the trials.

CLOCS Vox was developed in response to numerous fleet operator complaints that ground conditions and gate teams on too many sites unknowingly hindered their drivers from safely and efficiently servicing the sites. Without credible data, such anecdotal complaints remained unanswered and unstructured.

CLOCS Vox captures and collates (anonymous) driver feedback in real-time to inform sites on the following areas: Route, Time, Gate Team and Ground Conditions.

Principal Contractors welcome this feedback. In the spirit of collaboration and continuous improvement, they will be using the reports generated to help focus their understanding and efforts to improve site arrangements.

Free to use – created and maintained through co-investment by the UK’s CLOCS Champions.