CLOCS Strategic Partners recognising collaboration

30 January 2023

As CLOCS continues to work with its members and other stakeholders to drive safer, leaner and greener construction logistics, it has developed valuable relationships with other relevant organisations, trade bodies, professional institutions, lobby groups or charities with aligned aims and objectives.

Up to this point, our only home for these organisations was CLOCS Champion status though this was originally developed for the four key stakeholder groups covered by the CLOCS Standard – regulators, clients, contractors and operators – with a Memorandum of Understanding produced with those organisations and their activities in mind.

We have therefore developed a new proposition for these organisations, CLOCS Strategic Partnership.

CLOCS has now written to a number of existing Champions to invite them to become Strategic Partners and we’re delighted to already have positive responses from British Aggregates Association, Considerate Constructors Scheme, FORS, London Cycling Campaign, RoadPeace, SECBE, See Me Save Me, The Institution of Civil Engineers and Transport for London.  We are looking forward to having a number more join this group over the coming weeks.

CLOCS Strategic Partnership requires no formal commitment other than a desire and pledge to work together to identify opportunities for mutual support such as promoting each other’s initiatives and other key activities, producing content for newsletters, developing resources, supporting campaigns and events, etc.

CLOCS is now looking to better recognise, promote and utilise the relationships it has with these CLOCS Strategic Partners to raise awareness of work-related road risk and highlight best practice across all sectors of the industry and supporting those within the CLOCS community in raising standards.

CLOCS Strategic Partners recognise the impact that CLOCS has in reducing risk to vulnerable road users, improving air quality through recued emissions and increasing efficiencies, and encourage all those working within construction to support this valuable initiative.

CLOCS Programme Director, Andy Brooke:

“Collaboration is a fundamental element of what CLOCS is all about, recognising that all kinds of stakeholders have a role to play in reducing the risk to vulnerable road users, and that together, we are stronger.  We already have a number of these valuable relationships and we look forward to using this new proposition as a platform on which to build even more productive relationships, giving our Champions access to even more knowledge and expertise from across the industry”

Anyone interested in becoming a CLOCS Strategic Partner should contact CLOCS Programme Director, Andy Brooke, to discuss.

 Click here to see the Memorandum of Understanding