CLOCS Standard Review – have your say

1 August 2023

The next version of the CLOCS Standard is due for publication in Autumn 2024 so now is the time for you to let us know what you would like to see included or changed.

The CLOCS Standard sits at the heart of the CLOCS community driving consistency and collaboration, and defines the specific requirements for planning authorities, clients, principal contractors and fleet operators.

We aim to review and update the CLOCS Standard every 2 years to ensure it remains fit-for-purpose and continues to drive continuous improvement. Version 4 was launched in August 2022 and it is now time to start the process to prepare Version 5 for launch in 2024.

We are therefore inviting all members to consider where and how the CLOCS Standard should be updated considering the 4 stakeholder groups’ requirements (planning authorities, clients, contractors and fleet operator) and also to consider other stakeholders that could be part of the CLOCS Standard and the requirements that might apply to them, e.g. Principal Designers, Term Maintenance Contractors, Specialist Subcontractors.

Of course, any and all feedback is appreciated so please email your comments and suggestions to no later than Friday 1st September with the subject ‘CLOCS Standard review’.

The requirements of the CLOCS Standard are kept under review to take account of collective feedback, new research findings and emerging practice in relation to managing work related road risk.  CLOCS is an industry standard and your input is vital to ensuring that the CLOCS Standard meets the requirements of those who operate in construction and our collective commitment to ensure the safest construction vehicle journeys.