CLOCS Safety Forum #18 – Driver communication

20 September 2023

Effective driver communication

The CLOCS Standard outlines clear requirements for Regulators, Clients and Contractors to ensure they adopt a consistent and approach to ensuring the right environment for the safest vehicle journeys.

For operators, CLOCS requires that they demonstrate a level of performance in line with the requirements described under Silver in the FORS Standard.

Effective driver communication is a key element of that, ensuring those driving construction vehicles have the correct, up-to-date and necessary information at all times.

This can be inherently problematic with drivers often scattered across the country, regularly on the road and perhaps not able to access the necessary information at all times.  Additionally, information often changes or new information becomes available at short notice, e.g. routes to site, new safety requirements, etc. making manual paper-based solutions difficult to maintain and often quickly out of date.

Providing a digital solution that can be easily maintained centrally and where drivers can access the necessary information whenever they need it, addresses many of these challenges and Glen Davies introduced The Driver Handbook, outlining the benefits of adopting such a digital approach.

There was a group discussion following Glen’s presentation with some delegates confirming that they had already adopted digital solutions such as The Driver Handbook and advocating the many benefits to their operations and the individual drivers.

Looking forward

If anyone wishes to know more about The Driver Handbook, you can visit or to request a demo, visit

You can also contact them via

And finally…

Our thanks to Glen for giving up his time to share his knowledge and insights with the CLOCS community, and thanks also those who attended, sharing their own thoughts and experiences.  The voice of our members is vital to the success of CLOCS so please contact the team if you have any queries, suggestions or concerns about any aspect of CLOCS.

CLOCS needs you…

These Safety Forums are designed to support and inform CLOCS members so please do get in touch if you have any suggestions for future topics or whether you, or someone you know, would want to come along to a future Forum and share their expertise on a particular topic.

If you can think or anything or anyone, please contact the CLOCS team at