CLOCS Safety Forum #8 – Safety at the site boundary

22 December 2021

The site boundary is the critical point where the fleet operator vehicles meet the contractor/client project, in an area controlled and overseen by the regulator/local authority.  There is often heavy footfall, busy pedestrian footways, cycle lanes and numerous pedestrians, cyclists and other road users going about their daily business.

Every project has a point of access, perhaps several, while some will have segregated areas outside the site perimeter and occasionally offsite loading/unloading areas.

There is therefore perhaps an inevitable increased risk of collision between construction vehicles and vulnerable road users and therefore a need for all parties to fully and properly consider what actions should be taken to reduce that risk and provide the safest possible environment for construction vehicles to arrive and leave safely, with minimal impact those who live and work nearby.

The Forum, delivered iin December 2021, heard from 2 speakers, Mark Evans, Health & Safety (Construction) Adviser for University of Warwick, and Michael Barratt MBE, Development Impact Manager at Transport for London, who both spoke about their own experiences and insights.

The Forum then split into 2 groups to discuss the problems and challenges faced by the industry, what the most pressing issues are creating a risk, and what could each stakeholder group do differently to improve the situation?

  • It was agreed that it was vital that this aspect of construction logistics needs to be fully and properly considered at planning stage as mistakes made at this point, or issues that are simply not considered, are often much more difficult to resolve once work is underway.  Construction Logistics Plans should always be required/completed demonstrating that such aspects have been considered.
  • Clients and regulators must satisfy themselves that these issues have been properly addressed in a CLP and push back when not satisfied.
  • There is a general lack of understanding and awareness and it was agreed that this needs to be part of a company’s culture and behaviours.
  • Bringing clients on board is key.  Clients and regulators should be invited to walk the site perimeter with confidence with clear demonstration of the steps taken to minimise impact, reduce risk and improve community confidence.
  • Solutions, or lack of, are often cost driven and this needs investment as part of the project planning at the very outset.
  • All site teams should walk the perimeter and really look at the wording on signage, where it is placed and how vulnerable road users are expected to move around the area considering wheelchair users, cyclists, people with prams/buggies.  Are all areas accessible, are dropped kerbs available, is signage clear and unambiguous?
  • Vehicle and drivers must be considered at all stages so that the site set up does not create an inherent risk for them when they arrive.
    • It was generally felt that much better comms are required from contractors to operators stipulating agreed routes, local hotspots and access points.  Such comms also need to be timely to take into account daily changes, local incidents, etc.
    • Are access points clearly signposted?  Could what3words be used when necessary to pinpoint a specific location? Rural projects and highways schemes are sometimes linear sites, and if an access point is missed this can require journeys on inappropriate roads or the risk of unapproved manoeuvres.
    • Are holding areas available when they arrive, and what plans are in place when a vehicle cannot access the site for whatever reason?  Problems will occur but vehicles should not mount pavements or park in unapproved areas, nor should they be sent ‘around the block’ until the site can accept the vehicle.
  • Sites should liaise with neighbouring sites to consider shared facilities.
  • Contractors should engage with local communities on this matter, seeking feedback on potential risks and inconveniences.
  • TfL are working with City and County councils outside the M25 to share knowledge and lessons learned. TfL supply specialist guidance on ‘Disability’ and what that looks like at construction sites and how to approach works considerately. There are numerous active experiences and forums constructors can get involved with.
  • Michael Barratt provided the following links within the Forum chat box:

Looking forward

It was certainly an eye-opening and thought-provoking session with extremely positive feedback from the 60+ attendees.

However, it is vital that everyone considers what they heard and make changes where necessary.

The main requirement for CLOCS is to capture and share best practice to raise awareness of what could/should be done and to improve standards.

Immediate actions

  • All site teams to walk their boundaries looking at signage, directions, and access points to properly understand the impact on all vulnerable road users and pedestrians.
  • Contractors, clients and regulators to ensure that CLPs are always required/completed considering all possible issues on the site boundary.  CLOCS CLP training is available where necessary and Champions are reminded that they are eligible for one free training place each year.
  • Clients and contactors should encourage a culture of looking beyond the boundary to ensure the safety of all.
  • Contractors should ensure operators are provided with regular and timely comms on agreed routes, access points, local hotspots and any local changes/incidents that could have an impact.
  • Sites should ensure they have a robust plan for dealing with vehicles that are unable to access the project for whatever reason.
  • Engage with communities proactively to seek feedback and make changes.

All Champions are asked to share examples of best practice from their own companies and projects and these can be emailed to the CLOCS team at

And finally…

Our thanks to those who contributed directly to this Forum and also those who attended, sharing insights and experiences.  The voice of Champions is vital to the success of CLOCS so please contact the team if you have any queries, suggestions or concerns about any aspect of CLOCS.

Find Mark Evans’ presentation CLOCS ME Presentation.pdf.

Find Michael Barratt MBE CLOCS MB Presentation.pdf.

Future Forums:

CLOCS Safety Forum #9. Theme TBC

Thursday 10th February 2022 | 1 pm | Zoom

These forums are developed for CLOCS Champions only. Should you wish to attend the forum or add a colleague to the mailing list, please get in touch via to register and receive details of events in 2022.