CLOCS Safety Forum #4 – Technology and Routing

1 March 2021

The CLOCS Safety Forums continue. This month it's about how we can use technology smartly and safely for first/last mile routing. It will be relevant to all CLOCS Stakeholder groups. Are you coming?

Feb Forum recap: We had a successful Feb Forum about Driver Health & Wellbeing. Thanks to Martin Lockham at Mates in Mind and Jacqueline O'Donovan at O'Donovan for their support, along with Ready Power Terrawise, CEMEX & Graham Bellman. Any further ideas? Share them with us – we'd like to hear them! Learnings are available to all Champions on the invitation list.

CLOCS Safety Forum #4 – March 2021 – Technology and First/Last Mile Routing

Thurs 18 March 2021 | 1.30-2.30pm with optional 30 mins extra discussions | Zoom

Aim: Explore the role of technology in ‘learning to prevent’ incidents on roads between HGVs and Vulnerable Road Users by improving the safety of first/last mile routing.


  • Intro – CLOCS
  • Speaker 1 – Connexas
  • Speaker 2 – TBC – CLOCS Champion
  • Breakout rooms
  • Summary & close
  • Optional Further discussions

About the CLOCS Safety Forum – learning to prevent:

The CLOCS Safety Forum is a monthly forum for CLOCS Champions to talk about road-related safety topics affecting the UK construction industry. Through collaboration and learning to prevent, CLOCS Champions are working together to achieve zero collisions between construction vehicles and the community.

The Forum is held every third Thursday of the month from 1.30-2.30pm on Zoom.

To attend (CLOCS Champions only):

  • Already on the invitation list – you will receive a calendar invitation on Tues 2nd March. No need to do anything further.
  • Join the invitation list – send an email to with 'CLOCS Safety Forum' in the subject line. 

If inviting colleagues, please provide their name, job title and email address to and we will send them an invitation.