CLOCS Safety Forum #2 – Clear dash, safe cab

7 January 2021

The CLOCS Safety Forum returned this month. After a number of tragic incidents involving preventable issues inside the cab of HGVs, we discussed why and how every cab should have a clear dash and be a safe cab.

CLOCS Champions examined the circumstances around the tragic incident involving the death of Dr Suzanna Bull. The driver was convicted of causing death by careless driving. The employer was convicted of failing to discharge its duty contrary to the Health and Safety at Work Act.

Is every vehicle cab servicing your sites, or under your influence, safe for other road users (and the driver)? What are you doing to monitor and prevent incidents?

After discussing this incident and related issues, we headed into breakout groups to discuss how to ensure cabs are safe.

A new CLOCS resource, the Clear Dash Safe Cab Checklist was developed which is avialable on the Gate Check page here.