CLOCS Safety Forum #10 – Vehicle safety equipment

11 June 2022

The aim of CLOCS is to ensure the safest vehicle journeys and this requires all stakeholders to work collaboratively to a consistent national standard.

Vehicle standards and vehicle safety equipment clearly play a critical role in ensuring journeys are undertaken in a safe manner and that appropriate steps are taken to protect vulnerable road users.

This safety forum, held in May 2022, looked at vehicle safety equipment, hearing from a leading vehicle manufacturer on what is on the horizon for new vehicles, and from two providers of vehicle safety systems on how to make older vehicles safer.

They discussed some of the features that will shortly be appearing on new vehicles in line with EU regulations – some fitted as mandatory and others as optional extras – and also highlighted some of the additional features currently available which can be fitted to older vehicles to make them safer.

This session raised awareness of what is on the horizon and what can be done now, to ensure the vehicles we all put on the road, either as a fleet operator or as someone who procures fleet operators, are ensuring the safest construction vehicle journeys.

The Forum heard from three speakers:

  • James Deadman, Sales Engineer, DAF Trucks
  • Duane Gatland, Southern UK Sales Manager, Brigade
  • Jon Haycock and James Haycock, Directors, Motormax

Each shared their knowledge and experience outlining what they are looking at and what their companies are working on to make journeys safer.

Copies of all three presentations are provided with this note.

Looking forward

It was another thought-provoking session with over 100 stakeholders tuning in, the biggest audience yet for a CLOCS Safety Forum. It is now important that everyone considers what they heard and make changes where necessary.

And finally…

Our thanks to those who contributed directly to this Forum and also those who attended, sharing insights and experiences.  The voice of Champions is vital to the success of CLOCS so please contact the team if you have any queries, suggestions or concerns about any aspect of CLOCS.

CLOCS needs you…..
These Safety Forums are designed to support and inform Champions so please do let us know if you have any suggestions for future topics or whether you, or someone you know, would want to come along to a future Forum and share insights and experiences on a particular topic.
If you can think or anything or anyone, please contact Andy Brooke at