Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030

7 January 2021

CLOCS responded to Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2030 Draft for Consultation in December 2020. CLOCS has answered a series of questions as part of this consultation process.

It is important to make roads safer with safer vehicles and appropriate post-incident investigations. With the increasing importance of Active Travel, it is ever more critical for stakeholders to engage with CLOCS. An excerpt below from our response:

We advocate that those who pose the greatest risk are those best placed to manage that risk and therefore we support the hierarchy of responsibility for road safety as recently referenced in the UKHighway Code Revision consultation.
HGVs are grossly disproportionate in pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist deaths across the UK. 43% of HGV fatal or serious injury casualties are pedestrians, 33% motorcyclists and 24% are pedal cyclists. In advocating active travel and healthy streets, research has shown that fear of traffic, particularly HGVs is the biggest deterrent. This risk occurs because HGVs are not designed to be on narrow congested streets, there is a culture of complacency in road risk (TRL Construction Logistics and Cyclist Safety Summary report 2013) and often the industry’s regulations are poorly managed and enforced.

The full response: Scotland Road Safety Framework Consultation – CLOCS Response – final.pdf