CLOCS Regulator Working Group launched

10 November 2022

At the last CLOCS Working Group meeting, it was suggested that there could be some value in connecting the various stakeholder groups to meet online and discuss common challenges and queries with CLOCS implementation but also share knowledge, ideas and best practice.

A number of CLOCS Regulators stepped forward and our first CLOCS Regulator Working Group meeting was held in September.

It was agreed that this forum should be a platform to network with peers across other Local Authorities to discuss challenges, share solutions and best practice, and use the collective experience to help support each other with the implementation of CLOCS and the development of safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

It was also agreed by all that these meetings should be practical adding value to the group in real terms rather than talking strategy, certainly in these early days.  All were keen to benefit from hints and tips from others and understand what has worked and what hasn’t in other areas.

The group looked at understanding regulator influence and remit in practical terms, and reviewed the specific CLOCS Standard requirements with an honest self-assessment to identify the most problematic areas and share best practice.

Our thanks to everyone involved for their time and contribution, for bringing their collective knowledge and experience into the discussions, and demonstrating a clear willingness to share and support each other.  Truly collaboration in action!

It was agreed to continue these meetings on a quarterly basis to begin with and City of London have kindly agreed to host the next meeting in December.

CLOCS will shortly look to engage with the other stakeholder groups to see if there is similar appetite to meet with peers on a regular basis.  Watch this space!