CLOCS to deliver Construction Logistic Plan Training

29 August 2019

Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs) are the golden thread that runs through the CLOCS Standard. We are delighted to advise that CLOCS will have its very own team trained and delivering CLP training from October.

Kate Cairns, one of our trainers, has already delivered her ‘maiden’ foundation course and received excellent feedback so we’re looking forward to offering an animated series of courses. Jeni Meredith has just joined the CLOCS team and one of her key tasks is to drive uptake, organise the schedule and managing your bookings.

CLOCS is determined to ensure widespread demand for and use of the CLOCS guidance and templates to facilitate safe and effective operations. Ultimately our intention is to generate consistency of method and information captured. The resulting data used individually or collaboratively has the power to significantly improve productivity and performance in our businesses.

Of huge commercial benefit to organisations, these courses will be delivered on an ongoing basis. And to drive adoption within local authorities, we will offer a number of free places per course to support business investment.

CLOCS Champion organisations are eligible to apply for one free training place and a number of these free places are available on every course.

Cost for registered CLOCS Champion
Costs for non-CLOCS Champion
Foundation £250 £300
£265 £315

Please contact Samantha Carter to find out more: