CLOCS Monitoring – are you up to date?

18 May 2023

CLOCS monitoring was updated in January 2023 to reflect changes made to the CLOCS Standard last year – are you up to date?

When version 4 of the CLOCS Standard was launched in August 2022, it was agreed by the CLOCS Strategy, Standards and Governance Board, in conjunction with the Working Group, that Champions would be given time to adopt the changes made before the formal monitoring checklists were updated.

As well as bringing the self-assessment and site validation checklists in line with the changes made, it was also agreed that a couple of sections of the CLOCS Standard for Principal Contractors really sat with Head Office procurement functions, rather than being a site responsibility and that sites therefore shouldn’t be assessed in these areas.

Therefore, sections 3 and 11 were removed from the monitoring assessment and the overall score available therefore reduced from 27 to 23.

The updated forms are available on the CLOCS monitoring page of the website and all contractors should make sure their teams are working with the latest documents.

As a reminder, the self-assessment checklist must be completed and returned to the CCS team at least 48 hours prior to the visit so that the Monitor has the opportunity to review the checklist before visiting the site to validate this self-assessment.  If the form is not returned prior to the visit, the Monitor will instead conduct an advisory visit, assessing the site but not providing a formal score or compliance rating.

It is important for contractors to be arranging monitoring visits on their projects to properly understand how work-related road risk is being addressed at site level.  Clients and Regulators should also be asking for evidence of CLOCS compliance, and these monitoring visits are the means by which compliance can be demonstrated.