How to embed CLOCS into the planning process

1 August 2020

We have updated our 'CLOCS Guide: How to embed CLOCS into the planning process to improve community safety'.  

Excerpt below:

“The responsibility for setting safety standards in general around new developments should start with the Planning Authority (in conjunction with the Highway Authority in some cases), and should be proportionate and relevant to the scale of the development or project.

Regulators, specifically planning officers, play a vital and unique role in ensuring that the construction and eventual operation of developments is appropriate and does not have any significant negative effects on the surrounding area. 

This document gives guidance and examples to assist. It explains how implementing the CLOCS Standard:

  • benefits the local authority – addresses strategic plans and reduces complaints
  • improves road safety, reducing congestion and emissions
  • protects local communities”

Read in full here: CLOCS Guide: How to embed CLOCS into the planning process to improve community safety

You can also access it from the Resources section of the CLOCS website: CLOCS Resources – Guides for Implementation