CLOCS day out with TfL and Southwark Council

9 August 2021

Andy Brooke, CLOCS Programme Director, and Samantha Carter, CLOCS Project Manager, recently met up with Michael Barratt MBE, Development Impact Assessment Manager at Transport for London and Stuart Riglin, Network Development Coordinator at Southwark Council for a day out cycling around London looking at construction logistics in action.

Samantha Carter said, “This brought CLOCS to life for me even more. It really highlighted the importance of carefully planned logistics and of having excellent relationships with the boots on the ground.”

“Southwark Council is super committed to CLOCS and I look forward to supporting Stuart Riglin in helping to guide and support others on the same journey towards implementing CLOCS on projects within their own Boroughs. It is so important that the Local Authorities lead from the front and require CLOCS in planning.”

There’s a pressing need for construction companies across the UK to improve their logistics and community safety. The team spotted numerous issues while cycling around that affect vulnerable road users.

We urge all those responsible for safety and logistics to make sure everyone involved in your projects is working to the CLOCS Standard.

Picture 1 (L-R)- Andy Brooke, Stuart Riglin, Samantha Carter and Michael Barratt