CLOCS Clear Dash, Safe Cab Checklist

6 April 2021

A clear dashboard is vital to ensure drivers are able to properly see all vulnerable road users and act/react accordingly.

In response to the tragic fatal incident involving Dr Suzanna Bull – where a driver and his over-filled lorry tray table cost Suzanna her life – our January CLOCS Safety Forum topic was 'Clear Dash & Safe Cab'. The Forum looked at case studies and real-life examples of instances where vehicles were stopped by police with restricted vision due to cluttered dashboards.

As part of that forum, CLOCS Champions created a simple CLOCS Clear Dash, Safe Cab Checklist which can be easily incorporated into your existing vehicle checking processes to help improve vehicle safety.

Over the past 2 months, we've encouraged those attending the Forum to use the checklist and, after a great response from CLOCS Champions like Willmott Dixon, we're now ready for a wider release.

Get involved:

  • Fleet Operators: Incorporate this checklist into your daily vehicle checks.
  • Clients and Principal Contractors: Make sure your gate teams are checking every vehicle entering/leaving your sites.

This simple checklist could help save lives – please start using it today.

Download the checklist here: CLOCS Clear Dash, Safe Cab Checklist

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