CLOCS City regions – platforms to shine

2 December 2019

Teams of CLOCS Champions are being formed in 10 key UK cities, joining forces to better identify and engage each UK city’s key decision-makers and influencers in the national drive for CLOCS implementation. All CLOCS Champions are urged to step forward and work as a team with other Champions in promoting the benefits of implementing the CLOCS Standard, giving those Champions platforms to shine.

CLOCS across Greater Manchester was launched in mid-October – an event that gave a number of CLOCS Champions an opportunity to shout about the great work they are doing to protect their community, employees and reputation by implementing the CLOCS Standard to ensure the safest construction vehicle journeys. Transport for Greater Manchester, Royal Town Planning Institute, City of London, University of Manchester, Willmott Dixon and Murphy Group all spoke at the launch attended by 160 people to showcase their efforts and inspire others to act too.

Whilst every UK town/city will benefit from adopting CLOCS, we’re focusing CLOCS Champion’s collective efforts and resources on the following cities – please tell the CLOCS team which city you would like to work with others on to accelerate progress:

  1. Birmingham
  2. Bristol
  3. Cardiff
  4. Edinburgh
  5. Liverpool
  6. London
  7. Manchester
  8. Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  9. Nottingham
  10. Sheffield

Please contact to confirm which city your organisation wishes to help mobilise. Feel free to target one or more cities as you feel best for your organisation. Please provide contact details for each city, and if at all possible outline which key stakeholder you can target in that city. The CLOCS team will compile responses and form a CLOCS city team from those responses.