CLOCS City Region Inspiration events update

30 March 2020

CLOCS City Region Inspiration events    11 March 2020 – Liverpool  |  12 March – Cardiff and Birmingham

CLOCS was quick to react to the Coronavirus outbreak. We first took precautionary measures when we rearranged our city events at short notice to hold them online. A remarkable turnaround in a couple of days and huge thanks to our presenters who gallantly rose to the challenge of speaking to a computer webcam in place of a live audience.

Thanks to Alex Pocklington at Croydon Council, Jane O’Leary at Vale of Glamorgan Council, Willem Fourie and Andy Fraser at Sir Robert McAlpine, Richard Burnham at Murphy Group, Richard Banks at TfGM, Craig Schwarze at Taylor Wimpey, Kerry-Ann Ellis at Willmott Dixon, Mark Evans at the University of Warwick, and Garry Lewis at Tarmac.

Each City event had a truly engaged audience with all participants staying on-line for the full 2-hour presentation with plenty of fantastic engagement in the live ‘chatbox’.

With 25% of attendees being new to CLOCS, they heard first-hand the experience and best practice from local Planners, Construction Clients, Principal Contractors and Fleet.

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, creating new relationships with Local Police, Local Authorities and other organisations who share the CLOCS ambition of reducing road-related risk, with offers to facilitate meetings and introductions in their regions to drive CLOCS; with 45% of respondents requesting more information about CLP training.

We will be taking advantage of this technology and providing short video case studies that we will share with you in the near future.

If you would like to get involved in one of CLOCS city teams to drive CLOCS across the UK then please email