Are you getting the most from membership?

29 May 2019

Like most things in life, the more you put in to CLOCS, the more you get out. Your active involvement as a CLOCS Champion is as vital to you as it is to the success of the programme, which is designed to support you with implementation and stimulate demand for your services.

A key benefit of your membership is through the support provided to you by the CLOCS team and community. We offer each CLOCS Champion member regular contact to ensure you get the most out of your membership. Scheduled telephone conversations give you the opportunity to inform your plans and understand how we best support you and promote your interests.

The calls score high on our feedback form in terms of usefulness. A brief discussion between Alberto Martin at Dragados and the CLOCS team allowed Alberto to understand how best to use the CLOCS portal to ensure all his colleagues receive the CLOCS Bulletin and CLOCS Alert. Similarly, Ian Cresswell at Durkan Group used the call to explain his need for competent traffic marshals to efficiently check HGVs for CLOCS compliance at site gates. Following further research, the CLOCS team is revising Site Access Traffic Marshal training to meet Champions’ needs.

Make sure you book your CLOCS Implementation and Communication Plan review call to make sure it helps your business thrive and influence the programme. 

Please access our calendar using this link to book a time for a conversation when it is most convenient for you.