Camden Council: CLOCS as a planning requirement

16 May 2023

In January 2014, we implemented a WRRR policy for contractors using large vehicles and in January 2015, we extended this to apply to construction sites in the borough by including CLOCS terms as a S106 planning requirement. This formed the basis of the CLOCS Monitoring and Enforcement trial, and represented a first for any local authority and a completely new approach to road safety.

As demonstrated by the Camden Transport Strategy, we are committed to prioritising and promoting walking and cycling. We are also committed to improving road safety for all road users. Extensive private construction activity across the borough, in addition to our own Community Investment Programme (CIP) construction activities, presents an added challenge in this respect. Adopting the CLOCS Standard helps to mitigate the negative impacts of construction traffic.

The CLOCS trial ended in summer 2016, and concluded with a formal monitoring process that was run in conjunction with the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS). This has since been adopted by the CLOCS secretariat as the approach for monitoring site compliance nationally.

Camden has since adopted CLOCS as the standard way of managing construction traffic. All significant developments in the borough require the completion of a Construction Management Plan (CMP) whereby developers must demonstrate their approach to monitoring vehicle and driver compliance aspects, as well as detailing their proposed site set up and approach to control of deliveries. The CMP provides the basis by which they are monitored, and also acts as the legal framework should enforcement be necessary. As part of this process, Camden now requires that developers sign up to enhanced CCS registration that also includes CLOCS monitoring.

The benefits to adopting CLOCS are that it provides a sound basis and justification for applying the various transport related restrictions on developers.

Incorporating CLOCS into our existing processes is a clear demonstration of our commitment to our Transport Strategy; to deliver road safety improvements whilst increasing walking and cycling rates, and our desire to lead by example. We will continue to champion the uptake of CLOCS, and assist with other local authorities that are interested in adopting CLOCS as an approach, as well as providing ongoing input into the CLOCS working group on the development of the initiative.

A copy of the Camden CLOCS Monitoring and Enforcement Trial report is available by request. Please contact