Are you tackling drugs and alcohol in the workplace?

31 January 2023

Ensuring drivers are safe to get behind the wheel is a fundamental requirement for all fleet operators.  Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol problems continue to be a societal issue and one that affects the construction industry as much as any other.

It is therefore vital that operators consider implementing a drug and alcohol workplace testing policy and program as part of their driver safety regime, and Screen4 offer training and support to help our customers implement and sustain an effective program that works for them.

We help our customers with a range of testing services and advise on testing methods.  We look to work closely with our customers to highlight the issues and help educate internal teams on the importance of random and pre-employment testing within the workplace as a deterrent to staff and to try to ensure a safe working environment is maintained with a pro-active approach to testing.

Importantly, we also offer support, through qualified and experienced Drug and Alcohol Counsellors, to any individual who comes forward with a problem and requires help and support to overcome their habits and/or addictions. This valuable service assists companies in being able to be pro-active in their approach as well as supporting their staff and offering help where it is needed.

We recently worked closely with a recycling company who have now adopted a much more pro-active approach to their health and safety polices, including their Drug and Alcohol policy, and have introduced random and pre-employment testing throughout the workforce.

They saw some positive test results during pre-employment testing almost immediately but now that they have openly promoted that they conduct drug and alcohol testing on a random and pre-employment basis, the number of positive results has significantly reduced and the need for with-cause/post-accident tests has also reduced.

The company have also made use of our counselling service and supported a number of employees who have come forward with a problem prior to any testing taking place. With many of their team being drivers, we are helping to reduce any safety risks involved with drug and/or drink driving helping this company mitigate the risk to vulnerable road users and reduce the risk of avoidable tragedies we still see far too often on our roads and within our communities.

Screen4 is delighted to join the CLOCS community and share our knowledge, expertise and insights with other Champions.

David Grouse, Managing Director of Screen4 said “We are looking forward to working with the members of CLOCS. We are keen to understand how we can help raise awareness of Drug and Alcohol issues in the construction industry and specifically for those operating construction logistics vehicles, and provide support on implementing effective programs to deal with the risks and damage that can be caused by use and abuse of Drugs and Alcohol”.