Attend free ‘An Introduction to FORS’ webinar

1 March 2021

FORS, the voluntary accreditation scheme for any company operating commercial vehicles anywhere in the UK and overseas, is running a free monthly webinar entitled ‘An Introduction to FORS’.

This webinar is aimed as an entry-level introduction to help operators understand the fundamentals of FORS, to demonstrate how the scheme works and unveil the many benefits available to fleet operators who choose to join the 4600+ current FORS membership. The webinar will also provide attendees with background information on the history of FORS, who runs the scheme, and how it's governed.

To book on to these webinars, held on the first Tuesday of each month, please click here. The presentation will last around 45 minutes, with a further 15 minutes for questions and answers.

For more information about FORS, including how to join and benefit from access to the FORS guides, click here.

It is free to be a FORS Champion – register here if you are interested, or you can email to find out more.