Together we are driving safer, leaner and greener construction logistics

CLOCS is the National Standard for ensuring the safest construction vehicle journeys, reducing risk to vulnerable road users, improving air quality and congestion, and driving operational efficiencies.

It brings regulators, clients, contractors and fleet operators together to work collaboratively to maximise the many commercial and social benefits associated with safer, leaner and greener construction logistics.

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Setting policies and planning conditions

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Procuring the construction of infrastructure and buildings

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Operating construction projects and procuring fleet services

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Fleet Operators

Using vehicles to deliver to and from construction projects

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Delivery Partners

Providing goods and services that support CLOCS compliance

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Strategic Partners

Supporting the adoption and implementation of CLOCS

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Over 5,500 vulnerable road users are killed or injured every year on UK roads in collisions with vehicles commonplace in construction – that’s 20 people every working day.

HGVs only represent around 4% of all traffic on our roads but are involved in around 20% of pedestrian fatalities and a staggering 78% of cyclist fatalities.

With nearly four times as many construction-related fatalities outside of hoarding compared to inside, there is clearly much work to be done and we need everyone to play their part.

Read more about why CLOCS is important

CLOCS is driving positive change

zero collisions | fewer vehicle journeys | improved air quality | reduced reputational risk

The CLOCS Standard requires action from clients, contractors and fleet operators, and harnesses the power of planning authorities and policy-makers to minimise the impact of construction projects and eliminate harm to vulnerable road users.

It defines the primary requirements placed upon the key stakeholders associated with a construction project to ensure the safest vehicle journeys, improve efficiencies and drive down emissions.

Learn more about the CLOCS Standard

Join the CLOCS community today

Together we are stronger

Membership provides public recognition of a commitment to raising road safety standards, protecting the communities you work in and a corporate social responsibility for safety, supporting your ESG policy.

It also offers a number of additional benefits including support with implementation, and access to valuable resources, tools and guidance, attendance at member meetings, working groups and online safety forums, and access to CLP and SATM training.

If you aren’t a member yet, perhaps it’s time to take a look.

Learn more about the benefits of joining CLOCS